Lets take advantage of: Mobile Marketing

Mobile phones are necessary. As such I have identified various marketing techniques a business could utilise in order to ensure it effectively caters to this ubiquitous need.

1. Simplify. 

The primary use of a mobile phone is call of action (pun unintended), it provides you with methods in which to perform actions, message your friend, share a photo or call a loved one. Subsequently no one is going to be interested in businesses underlying business models and they way they carry out their operations. Simply; list store hours, provide directions to your location, make purchases easy—whatever action your customer needs to take. Forget the rest.

In addition allow consumers the freedom of choice when it comes to notifications. No one dislikes it more then when they are flooded with meaningless sales notifiers from businesses apps. If you are going to produce mobile notifications take all steps necessary to keep them simple, to the point and fundamentally useful. 

2. A clean UI

Ultimately mobiles consist of a much smaller screen than that of laptops and desktops, as such everything that is displayed carries more intrinsic weight. Emphasising the importance of developing an user interface that is orderly, user friendly and consequently conducive to business purchases. Refer to this article for some demonstrative and inspirational examples.

Furthermore a businesses mobile UI can enhance its own user's experience through continuous, personable engagement with the product. Spotify has perfected this art through its on demand listening that it offers within its mobile app. Where by private playlists are created for the listener based on their current music tastes. These are tactically positioned on the front page of the app, facilitating the user to further listen to more music on Spotify

3. Share ability. 

Mobiles can credit a vast amount of their exponential increase in usage due to the similar rise in social media consumption.  80% of all time on social media is spent on mobile phones with Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat being the primary offenders. This is no figure to laugh at as mobile marketers can utilise the extensive reach and huge potential exposure that mobile social media marketing can offer to produce custom, mobile friendly ads that target users. 

As all the major social media players facilitate the ability to share any posts or content in the respective apps from the tap of a button it becomes vital for marketers to recognise and indulge this ability. Through strategies that encourage consumers to share the subject matter with their friends and family; creating a sort of pseudo snowball affect that gives itself the possibility for greater levels of consumer engagement. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the complex ideologies of mobile marketing, I hope to hear your further thoughts in the comment section below!


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